Monday, September 10, 2007

New Life Rules

Ten New Rules for my life (and for yours, too, if you want):

1. Always try to avoid situations where you're in the same room with multiple people you've slept with.

1b. Always always always avoid situations where you're in the same room with multiple people who think that you're going home with them. This especially holds true when you don't feel like going home with anybody (this can make for a shitty Saturday night).

2. If you're going to do a little binge-eating, match it with a little binge exercise.

3. Find a way to keep your heart open to love but closed to disappointment (Hint: there is no way... take the bad w/ the good, baby).

4. Try to find a pair of lips worth kissing, then kiss them a lot.

5. Try to find a song worth singing, then sing it a lot, until a new one strikes your fancy.

6. Eat good food.

7. Eat good women (or men, depending on which way you swing).

8. Try to relax your jaw (not related to number 8).

9. Make time for the people you care about.

10. Make time for sanity maintenance.

So... Who's with me?

-BR 1.18.05

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